Bag Filters

Bag Filters
Our Products

Manufacturer & Supplier of
Bag Filters


Most flexible type of filters manufactured as per customer's requirements and are suitable for EU-5 and EU-6 operations.


Filters particles down to 5 or 3 microns, with an efficiency of 85% to 95%. Recommended for dust extraction applications. It can be installed directly in AHUs.


Media is non-woven polyster fibres chemically bonded with scrim backing on the exit side. Other media can be provided as per reqirements.

Construction & Support

Electro galvanized steel rod grilles or anodized Aluminium grilles for bag support, which are sealed with the bags using polyurethane sealants. Bags are intra stitched to prevent bag ballooning and the holes are sealed using synthetic sealants.

Standard Selection of Filters

Size in mm. Capacity in CMH
610x610x500 2550
508x508x500 1700